In terms of an organization’s future, mapping out and building its leadership pipeline is the most critical activity that a Board needs to embark upon. Many organizations today, unfortunately, are focusing on fire fighting rather than building for the future and pay scant attention to the people requirements of the future. The strategy is simple… find a suitable replacement if and when they leave the organization.
GCC supports its client organizations by helping the Board and senior management teams take a future oriented outlook by encouraging them to reflect upon the changes taking place in the industry, what the industry’s jobs would look like in the future as well as the desired future organizational structure. GCC further supports by designing a succession matrix for the organization identifying gaps that need to be filled, competencies and capabilities that need to be developed.
This process enables the organization to identify its stars along with individualized career growth plans for retention of good performers. It also helps in detecting areas of weakness where suitable candidates will need to be groomed or head hunted.
Taking such a careful and designed approach to its human capital requirements and filling its cadre with competent, aligned and versatile team members will undoubtedly ensure the future success of the organization.
GCC also supports its client organizations with selected, senior management head hunting services designed to supply the company with the skillsets that it requires. This is done through a search of suitable talent from within the industry as well as those with a proven track record from outside the industry who may be capable of injecting the company with innovative thinking and novel solutions.